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Just Schools

Jon Eckert, Executive Director, Baylor Center for School Leadership interviews teachers who are catalysts, but teachers are pressed for time. That’s why we created the Just Schools podcast, where we showcase inspiring stories of educators from around the globe who are making a difference in their students’ lives by prioritizing their well-being, and engagement and providing them with valuable feedback. In just 20-30 minutes per episode, we offer actionable tips and uplifting messages to empower teachers to continue doing the critical work that sets students up for success in all aspects of life.

Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Truth, Beauty, and Wisdom: Nikki Bell
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Traditional schools don't work for every student. Nikki Bell is both a parent and an educator from Oklahoma. When she noticed her son didn't fit into traditional public school, she decided to homeschool. She is now a board member at a classical school. Classical schools focus on truth, beauty and wisdom and how we pursue those things. Today she joins host Jon Eckert to discuss her journey to becoming an educator.To learn more, order Jon's book, Just Teaching: Feedback, Engagement, and Well-Being for Each Student.The Just Schools Podcast is brought to you by the Baylor Center for School Leadership. Each week, we'll talk to catalytic educators who are doing amazing work.Be encouraged.Timestamps:[2:06] - Nikki introduces herself.[5:30] - Putting her kids in classical school changed the way Nikki parented.[10:00] - There are plenty of advantages to the classical movement.[12:10] - Nikki's kids have learned how to articulate their opinion and beliefs.[14:05] - A difference of opinion is not challenging the person.[18:00] - Nikki has high hopes for her children's future.[20:03] - Jon puts Nikki through a lightning round of questions.Connect on Social Media:Baylor MA in School LeadershipBaylor Doctorate in EducationJon Eckert: @eckertjonCenter for School Leadership at Baylor University: @baylorcslBooks:Atomic Habits by James Clear

Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
"I Don’t Want to See My Students Here Again": Bing Parks
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Education within the prison system is a challenge. From access to technology to access to books.Bing Parks is an educator who loves her students but never wants to see her students in her classroom again. That's because she works in the Texas Juvenile Department. Her students range in age from 11 to 18 years old. Today she joins host Jon Eckert to discuss how she uses engagement to drive her students' well-being. To learn more, order Jon's book, Just Teaching: Feedback, Engagement, and Well-Being for Each Student.The Just Schools Podcast is brought to you by the Baylor Center for School Leadership. Each week, we'll talk to catalytic educators who are doing amazing work.Be encouraged.Timestamps:[1:50] - Bing introduces herself.[3:35] - Providing supplies to students in the prison system is a challenge.[6:40] - There are some advantages in Bing's work setting.[9:00] - Building relationships with students is the most important thing.[11:40] - Bing shares a recent success story.[17:00] - Jon puts Bing through a lightning round of questions.Connect on Social Media:Baylor MA in School LeadershipBaylor Doctorate in EducationJon Eckert: @eckertjonCenter for School Leadership at Baylor University: @baylorcsl

Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Engagement over Entertainment: Aaron Bond
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Truly engaging students goes beyond entertainment. Having meaningful two-way discussions is one way to create authentic engagement.Aaron Bond has over two decades of education experience. Over his career, he's employed the Harkness Method to engage his students. Today, he joins host Jon Eckert to candidly discuss what he's learned throughout the year. Their conversation focuses on how throughout his career, Aaron encourages his students to love well and truly engage his students. To learn more, order Jon's book, Just Teaching: Feedback, Engagement, and Well-Being for Each Student.The Just Schools Podcast is brought to you by the Baylor Center for School Leadership. Each week, we'll talk to catalytic educators who are doing amazing work.Be encouraged.Timestamps:[2:35] - Aaron shares an embarrassing story from his early days working.[9:00] - Learning from your life experience to become more wise.[12:30] - Building a network of understanding helps students put what they've learned into practice.[16:30] - You have to be comfortable with watching students struggle.[18:00] - Allow dead space in your classroom.[23:40] - Aaron shares a story about two unengaged students.[26:11] - Jon puts Aaron through a lightning round of questions.Connect on Social Media:Baylor MA in School LeadershipBaylor Doctorate in EducationJon Eckert: @eckertjonCenter for School Leadership at Baylor University: @baylorcsl

Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Life-giving People: Bill Sterrett
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
We all need colleagues that are life-giving. Those who help us find joy in what we do.Bill Sterrett is one of those colleagues. Today he joins host Jon Eckert. Bill is the Department Chair and Professor of Educational Leadership at Baylor University’s School of Education. Their conversation focuses on how to build a firm foundation on educators' why to help educators stay motivated through their careers. To learn more, order Jon's book, Just Teaching: Feedback, Engagement, and Well-Being for Each Student.The Just Schools Podcast is brought to you by the Baylor Center for School Leadership. Each week, we'll talk to catalytic educators who are doing amazing work.Be encouraged.Timestamps:[2:40] - Bill describes what drew him to work at Baylor.[8:00] - We have a void of teachers and principals who stay in their job.[11:30] - Engaging learning communities to focus on flourishing is key.[13:30] - You're the average of the five people you spend the most time with.[15:00] - If you feel called, follow that call.[18:40] - There is plenty of opportunity for students to stay connected to Baylor.[20:00] - Jon puts Bill through a lightning round of questions. Connect on Social Media:Baylor MA in School LeadershipBaylor Doctorate in EducationJon Eckert: @eckertjonCenter for School Leadership at Baylor University: @baylorcsl

Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Accidents, Acid Wash, and Learning Spaces: Danish Kurani
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Designing learning spaces with the end users -- teachers, students, custodians -- can make a huge difference in people’s lives.Today Danish Kurani, the founder of Kurani, an architectural firm, joins host Jon Eckert. Kurani specializes in designing education spaces with empathy and prioritizing the end user. Danish discusses an embarrassing moment in kindergarten that later inspired him to begin creating intentional learning spaces.To learn more, order Jon's book, Just Teaching: Feedback, Engagement, and Well-Being for Each Student.The Just Schools Podcast is brought to you by the Baylor Center for School Leadership. Each week, we'll talk to catalytic educators who are doing amazing work.Be encouraged.Timestamps:[2:19] - Danish introduces himself.[5:13] - Looking beyond the most economical solutions, Danish designs intentional learning spaces.[7:00] - Danish discusses what inspired him to design learning spaces.[11:23] - Involving the students, teachers and custodians when designing spaces is essential to Danish.[16:00] - It's important to study data to know if the designs have an impact. [21:00] - Danish is most excited about his current projects that help equip students with relevant skills. [25:37] - Jon puts Danish through a lightning round of questions.Find Kurani online: Website - Kurani Connect on Social Media:Baylor MA in School LeadershipBaylor Doctorate in EducationJon Eckert: @eckertjonCenter for School Leadership at Baylor University: @baylorcsl

Tuesday May 30, 2023
Lessons from Kindergarten for Higher Ed: Sahira Kodra
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Being hit with the unexpected can be jarring. But sometimes it's necessary to help you grow.At the start of the year, Sahira Kodra unexpectedly became a kindergarten teacher. Now she is transitioning to work full-time for the Baylor Center for School Leadership. Today she joins host Jon Eckert to discuss how she's been humbled by kindergartners this year and the transformation that she hopes for because of that. To learn more, order Jon's book, Just Teaching: Feedback, Engagement, and Well-Being for Each Student.The Just Schools Podcast is brought to you by the Baylor Center for School Leadership. Each week, we'll talk to catalytic educators who are doing amazing work.Be encouraged.Timestamps:[1:30] - Sahira Kodra discusses the shock of becoming a kindergarten teacher.[3:30] - Being hit with the unexpected teaches you how to rely on other people.[7:40] - A master's program helps you build a robust network of supportive people.[10:03] - Holding on to hope that something bigger is coming helps teachers push forward.[13:14] - Sahira is most looking forward to making connections with a new cohort and building a network.[16:42] - Being vulnerable is a huge challenge for education leaders.[17:30] - Helping people who are struggling is life-giving for Sahira.[18:40] - Jon puts Sahira through a lightning round of questions.Connect on Social Media:Baylor MA in School LeadershipBaylor Doctorate in EducationJon Eckert: @eckertjonCenter for School Leadership at Baylor University: @baylorcsl

Tuesday May 16, 2023
Is Your Child Eating Alone? Serving Each Child.
Tuesday May 16, 2023
Tuesday May 16, 2023
Leading with love and compassion can change the people you lead forever.Today, Herb Cox, Clinical Assistant Professor at Baylor University, joins host Jon Eckert to discuss his calling to become an educator. He details how, through the years, he led his schools with compassion and love and the impact that had on his students and their parents.To learn more, order Jon's book, Just Teaching: Feedback, Engagement, and Well-Being for Each Student.The Just Schools Podcast is brought to you by the Baylor Center for School Leadership. Each week, we'll talk to catalytic educators who are doing amazing work.Be encouraged.Timestamps:[1:45] - Herb introduces himself.[4:00] - After talking to God, Herb followed his calling.[6:30] - Ensuring students had someone to eat lunch with was essential to Herb.[10:00] - Prospective leaders are energized to do the work.[13:30] - Teachers and parents are partners.[17:00] - The work he does is what gives Herb the most hope.[18:10] - Jon puts Herb through a lightning round of questions.Connect on Social Media:Baylor MA in School LeadershipBaylor Doctorate in EducationJon Eckert: @eckertjonCenter for School Leadership at Baylor University: @baylorcsl

Tuesday May 02, 2023
Crazy, conceited, or called? Anika Prather
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Cognitive endurance is built through struggle and engagement. That is a key part of classical education.Today, Anika Prather, the founder of The Living Water School, joins host Jon Eckert to discuss her journey from a career in public school to creating her own school dedicated to classical learning for students of color. She tells stories about how her school has helped equip kids with real-world skills.To learn more, order Jon's book, Just Teaching: Feedback, Engagement, and Well-Being for Each Student.The Just Schools Podcast is brought to you by the Baylor Center for School Leadership. Each week, we'll talk to catalytic educators who are doing amazing work.Be encouraged.Timestamps:[1:50]: Anika introduces herself.[7:15] - Reminiscing on her past, Anika marvels at how her parents were able to make classical studies relevant to the Black community.[10:00] - Not being able to find a school for her son, Anika started one of her own.[14:30] - Anika strives to provide content-rich, equitable curricula for students.[17:30] - Students are learning skills on how to navigate life.[20:52] - Being consistent with a process will help students grow academically.[24:05] - Is learning happening when its only focus is a test?[26:00] - Jon puts Anika through a lightning round of questions. Connect on Social Media:Baylor MA in School LeadershipBaylor Doctorate in EducationJon Eckert: @eckertjonCenter for School Leadership at Baylor University: @baylorcsl

Baylor Center for School Leadership
Building Better Schools, Together
Baylor’s Center for School Leadership strives to be the most effective Christian leadership catalyst for educators worldwide.
We believe that cultivating effective leaders is the key to unlocking the potential of every student. That’s why we strive to prepare and nourish the leaders we serve, so they can, in turn, serve their students with excellence.
Our Just Schools Podcast serves as a platform for celebrating the exceptional work of educators in their classrooms, shedding light on their strategies and insights for the broader educational community’s benefit. We offer actionable tips and uplifting messages to empower teachers to continue doing the critical work that sets students up for success.