We've all struggled with work/life balance but few of us have ever achieved it. How can we integrate our work and life without blurring boundaries in unhealthy ways?
Jackie Villareal is a recent graduate from Baylor's MA in School Leadership, she's recently started an administrative role at a new school all while raising her family. On top of all that, her son has been planning a wedding. Today she joins host Jon Eckert to discuss ways she's able to find the right amount of work/life integration.
To learn more, pre-order Jon's book, Just teaching: Feedback, engagement, and well-being for each student.
The Just Schools Podcast is brought to you by the Baylor Center for School Leadership. Each week, we'll talk to catalytic educators who are doing amazing work.
Be encouraged.
[4:30] - Jackie discusses how she discovered her why.
[8:15] - Life for Jackie hasn't gone in the order she expected.
[10:00] - Making time to step away from your job is essential to stay grounded.
[11:50] - We all have the power to be leaders.
[13:50] - Jon discusses how he's able to bring his work into his home and vice versa in a healthy way.
[15:41] - We spend more time with our co-workers than we do with our families and friends. Jackie discusses how she integrates her personal and work lives.
[17:30] - When you love the students you serve unconditionally, great successes will follow.
Just teaching: Feedback, engagement, and well-being for each student by Jon Eckert
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Baylor MA in School Leadership
Jon Eckert: @eckertjon
Center for School Leadership at Baylor University: @baylorcsl