Spotlighting individual student accomplishments isn't easy. Most schools don't have the time or structure to be able to do it consistently. But it is so important to keep students engaged and feel like school has a purpose and is life giving.
Brad Thornton is an educator outside of Chicago and a master of positive venting. He's become the go to source for friends and colleagues when they need to talk through something. Today, Brad joins host Jon Eckert and discusses how he and his colleagues create important moments for their students to drive a passion for learning.
To learn more about how to spotlight student accomplishments, pre-order Jon's book, Just teaching: Feedback, engagement, and well-being for each student.
The Just Schools Podcast is brought to you by the Baylor Center for School Leadership. Each week, we'll talk to catalytic educators who are doing amazing work.
Be encouraged.
[3:00] - Venting doesn't typically help us move forward.
[4:25] - Jon shares a simple exercise on how to be more positive.
[6:00] - Brad shares a story about how a group of teachers collaborated to use Pixar to teach a lesson on storytelling.
[10:00] - Spotlighting students' accomplishments is one way to create a special moment for a student.
[12:46] - A lot of schools want to be able to celebrate individual accomplishments but just don't have the time.
[16:15] - Calling out a teacher's accomplishments and skills is just as important as spotlighting a student's accomplishments.
[18:30] - Brad explains why it's so important to guide people to become who they're becoming, not who he wants them to become.
Just teaching: Feedback, engagement, and well-being for each student by Jon Eckert
The Power of Moments by Chip and Dan Health
Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown
Effortless: Make It Easier to Do What Matters Most by Greg McKeown
Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership by Lee G. Bolman and Terrence E. Deal
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Baylor MA in School Leadership
Jon Eckert: @eckertjon
Center for School Leadership at Baylor University: @baylorcsl